Blog by Betsy Carstairs

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Inspiring Womyn G Cammermeyer

Grethe Betsy picsDSCF0718.jpgThis weekend @ The BOLD conference I was fortunate to listen to a talk presented by Colonel Grethe Cammermeyer. Gerthe  recounted her younger years  living in Norway& acting as  decoy  by her parents to smuggle guns to the resistance movement during the WW11 occupation of Norway by Germany. Weaned by that fierce determination to stand for justice stood her in good stead for the life she was to embark on as a soldier in Vietnam, a nurse in the US Army, as a mother of 4 sons, & as a activist. This is a excellent heart warming true story that is both enlightening & thought provoking. Read Colonel Cammermeyer's book or watch the movie " Serving in Silence". It will definitely inspire you to meet life head on.