Blog by Betsy Carstairs

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Equality Breakfast

The West Coast Leaf's (Women's Legal Education & Action Fund) Equality Breakfast this year featured Dr Shirin Ebadi. It was held at 07:00 hrs at the Hyatt Regency downtown Vancouver.

I was amazed at how quickly I was able to get downtown. I traveled from my mom's house in West Vancouver and was there in less than 10 minutes. What a difference 1 hour makes!!!

The Breakfast had over 500 in this sold out event. Lots of politicians including my neighbour MLA Diane Thorne. Dr Ebadi was the 1st Iranian to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She was in Iran as a judge during the revolution. She described the events as being surreal. Her position, of course, was taken away from her at this time. She spoke in her native tongue with an interpretor. Her talk was most informative and made me appreciate the freedom we have living in North America.

This event is once a year. I look forward to their next event.