Blog by Betsy Carstairs

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WOW 2007

It's NOW an annual event AND every year its just gets better.

This year 500 women gathered at the Hyatt in Vancouver for the Women of Worth Event ~

I booked a table for 10 and arrived at 8:15am AND the place was "a buzzin'"! Lots of booths with interesting ideas and fabulous speakers including the amazing Jan Jensen performing her passion, the art of Nia - a dance art that's a cross between Tai Chi and Yoga. We all danced together to this artful way of movement.

Two women at our table WON fabulous prizes! Joyce and Laura won a one hour consultation with Dr Brian Martin, BSc, ND, anti-aging Diplomat an Enerchanges physician ~ AND Jen won the grand prize! a one week sailing adventure in Baja, Mexico courtesy of

I squeezed in a facial peel with Jocelan Sampson, MicroLaser/Skin Care Specialist from defyAGING ~

Such a mind blowing, soul charging day AND I find I am using many of the ideas presented.

What a fabulous day!!!